Open Doors Education & Training
Open Doors Education & Training (ODET) is a community interest company which aims to provide young people with digital one-to-one education. Born out of anti-discrimination advocacy group The Traveller Movement, ODET was established during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 to provide learning support to children in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities while schools were closed. Since then, ODET’s remit has increased, and they now offer flexible education programs, tablets and wifi dongles to young people from all ethnic minority backgrounds.
The brief
Open Doors came to us in need of a logo and a website. The site would be multi-functional and would need to cater to different audiences: the young people who use ODET’s services, people and organisations who might want to partner with ODET, and the general public.
The logo
The logo we designed symbolises different aspects of Open Doors: We chose a key to represent opening doors and unlocking opportunities, while the “power” symbol at the top of the key signifies the important role of technology within the organisation’s mission. The result is a memorable brand mark which works well in online and printed media alike – we used it throughout the site in visual elements like banners.
The website
We worked closely with ODET to develop a site design that would work for all of these target audiences. A vivid colour scheme and liberal use of images and multimedia keep things engaging for younger visitors, while clear information throughout highlights ODET’s mission and showcases its achievements.
We carefully organized the content on the site so that all users can quickly and easily find what they need. The site offers detailed information on all of ODET’s projects, and hosts resources for people who work with ethnic minority communities. An all-important “donate” button enables people to actively support Open Doors in their important work.
The result
Open Doors now have a high-end website that will present them in the best possible way to prospective service users and collaborators. Bright and colourful yet professional, the website caters to all its target users and organises information in a clear and intuitive way. The new website and brand identity will play an important role in enabling the organisation to spread its message and carry out its work.
Learn more about our websites for non-profit organisations.
Visit: www.odet.org.uk