TMS Development International are corporate team profiling experts specialising in the learning and development sector. Castlegate IT previously worked with TMSDI to deliver a bespoke application and questionnaire, which served to greatly enhance the company’s online services.
Following the completion of our work on TMSDI’s questionnaire system, we began working on the next stage: delivering the documents which are generated from TMSDI’s clients’ online questionnaires. TMSDI’s processing and delivery of documents works in a very specific and well organised fashion, so we built a completely bespoke system to their exact requirements.
The core functionality allows users to login and view their profile documents. With users all over the world, the application can be viewed in one of twelve different languages. The client has full control over the languages with their own multi-language snippet management system, and can upload documents in any supported language.
The users of the application are split into private areas for each client organisation, ensuring data and users are safe and can be accounted for in a specific area. Further down, the users may belong to a specific company, allowing company-specific content to be displayed to them. Users are then organised into events, which is where they are assigned their profile documents. All of this is managed and configured by TMSDI.
Documents are uploaded to the event using a complex batch upload system. This allows the document language to be tagged, and automatically detects the name of the document owner. There are a complex array of options available to the administrators of the system. Each event in the system may have supplementary multi-language documents that need to be available to the users too. They may also be assigned specific mulit-language help and information pages.
Additional features such as sharing of events and assigning individual share permissions, customisable mutli-language activation emails, and support for multiple document and event types are also supported by the system.
Not just your average document management system, TMSDIcloud has intelligent ways of detecting duplicate users and automatically merging their user accounts. Users can be assigned specific permission groups or customised to allow truly flexible permissions. The application is full of neat touches, such as automatic thumbnail generation of uploaded documents, options to download documents with high or low resolution front covers and batch downloads that process documents on the fly and zip them up before download.
This project has reduced the workload of TMSDI, whose previous delivery system was either manual or paper-based. Development has been ongoing for years and new features and enhancements are constantly added. Starting out small, it has developed over the years into our largest application to date.
Want to know more? Read our case study.
Visit: tmsdionline.com