Posts by John Hughes

New staff, new sites, and better security: our 2017 in review

It has been a while since our last blog post and that reflects how busy a year 2017 has been for Castlegate IT. We have launched new sites for new clients and taken on new projects for many of our …

by John Hughes 29 Jan 2018

Justified text on the web revisited

Since we published our original post on justified text, we have received a lot of feedback, had a lot of heated debates, and seen the technology behind web typography continue to improve. So we thought it was about time we revisited the topic and asked again: should you use justified text on the web?

by John Hughes 20 Sep 2016

2016 so far: new clients, new sites, better support

2016 has seen Castlegate IT busier than ever—and we’re only half way through! We have taken on lots of new clients and completed lots of new projects for our existing clients, from small businesses to major national organisations. Not content to rest on our laurels, we have continued to grow and change as a company to keep offering the best possible service for everyone we work with.

by John Hughes 1 Jul 2016

Castlegate IT’s 2015 in review

2015 has been an important year for Castlegate IT. We have taken on new staff, moved to a new office, and added an impressive range of projects to our portfolio. Our clients now include local government, museums, national education organisations, and numerous businesses from around York and beyond. With so many sites going live, we can’t possibly feature them all, but here are a few highlights from this year.

by John Hughes 26 Jan 2016

WordPress for bespoke development

It’s easy to make a great blog with WordPress, but how can the platform be used to make a competitive, professional website?

by John Hughes 12 Mar 2014

Designing content managed websites

Content management systems give users control over the text, images, and other media that appear on their website. They can be powerful tools, but they vary differently from the typical programs used to edit print media. We discuss the considerations required when designing for content managed websites.

by John Hughes 22 Aug 2013

How wide is your website?

These days, almost everyone has a large, high resolution, widescreen monitor and so you might think it doesn’t matter how wide you design a website. Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple but there are ways of making more use …

by John Hughes 9 Aug 2013

Fonts on the web

When you are designing a website, one important decision is the choice of fonts. Although the decision itself might be difficult, switching the font used in a graphics file is easy: you just pick one from a list of all the fonts on your computer. However, there is no guarantee that you will be able to use that font on a live website.

by John Hughes 12 Jul 2013

Responsive web design comes to York

In the UK, more than half of mobile users now have a smartphone and the number is growing all the time. Mobile websites have become common, but they can be expensive and more complex to manage. Responsive web design is a new technique that makes it possible to build a single site that adapts dynamically to different screen sizes, from tiny mobiles to giant desktop monitors. You can expect to see more responsive sites—especially from Castlegate IT!

by John Hughes 29 Jun 2012