

M&S Archive

The M&S Archive is a unique collection of photographs, films, audio recordings, documents, and merchandise from the company’s rich history. It was established in 1984, on Marks & Spencer’s 100th anniversary, and is currently housed in the Michael Marks Building …

by Sunny Simmons 21 Sep 2023
Veritau header


Veritau provides assurance services to public sector organisations in Yorkshire and north east England. With nine partner councils, 500+ clients and over 70 members of staff, Veritau’s services include internal audit, counter fraud, information governance, risk management and data analytics. The …

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Air Quality Hub

The Air Quality Hub is a web portal where local authorities across the UK can easily share information and knowledge about air quality related issues. The project was initiated by City of York Council and the Low Emission Partnership, a …

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Quantum Communications Hub

The Quantum Communications Hub is one of four hubs for quantum technologies established as part of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme. Led by the University of York, the QCH aims to enable the translation of cutting-edge quantum physics research …

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Q-BEx is an international research project which aims to address the question of how children’s bilingual or multilingual experience can best be measured. At the core of this project is the Q-BEx website, which enables researchers and practitioners to customise …

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Clifton Green Primary School

Clifton Green Primary is a vibrant and inclusive school for 3-11 year olds, located in the heart of York. The school is attended by over 420 children and supported by 60 teachers and staff, all serving a diverse local community. …

by Sunny Simmons 13 Jan 2022
Cemetery research group featured image

The Cemetery Research Group

The Cemetery Research Group is a community of scholars which aims to expand understanding of funeral culture around the world. The group takes an interdisciplinary approach to exploring how emotional, religious and social practices around mortal remains are shaped by …

by Sunny Simmons 10 Jan 2022
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BioVale is non-profit organisation working to establish Yorkshire and the Humber as a world-leading centre for bioeconomy innovation. This work involves facilitating networking and partnerships among the region’s bio-based researchers, innovators and supply chains. The brief BioVale needed a website …

by Sunny Simmons 28 Sep 2020
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Websites for academic networks

Academic networks around the world enable researchers, students and academic organisations to communicate with each other, find funding opportunities, organise events, and share resources. Good web design is essential for these networks to function effectively. Castlegate has been building bespoke …

by Sunny Simmons 21 Oct 2019
BBNet featured image

Biomass Biorefinery Network

Biomass Biorefinery Network (BBNet) is a new academic organisation providing funding and networking events for biomass research. It supports a growing community of members consisting of researchers, academics and people in industry. The brief BBNet required a professional and information-rich …

by Sunny Simmons 14 Oct 2019